Published inStackademicExploring StackOverflow tags trendsExploring top trending tags on StackOverflow by number of major signalsApr 17, 20241Apr 17, 20241
Building decoupled monitoring with OpenTelemetryWe will explore how to use OpenTelemetry Collector to build an observability infra easy to extend and decoupled from the application.Feb 25, 2024Feb 25, 2024
Telemetry with Scala, part 2: KamonIn this post, we will dive into Kamon, a popular telemetry solution for Scala applications and it’s comparison with OpenTelemetry.Apr 4, 2023Apr 4, 2023
Complex test data prototyping with Shapeless and MonocleHow Shapeless, Monocle, GoF patterns and type classes derivations can help generate complex data for unit tests in in easy way.Nov 24, 2021Nov 24, 2021
Scala 3: Using context functions for request context with http4s and log4catsIntroductionMay 30, 2021May 30, 2021
Testing with Scala: Libraries landscapeIf you are confused with a variety of test libraries in Scala ecosystem like me, then this is article for you.Apr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
Error composition with Shapeless coproductsUsing Shapeless coproduct for error modelling in Either[L, R] or EitherT[F, L, R] and composition.Feb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021